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A record year of growth and profitability for ARA Group.


2016 was a record year at ARA as we narrowed our focus on supporting A Real Australia through all aspects of our business. Through the successful convergence of ARA’s operating and acquisition strategies, we saw resulting record sales and a record EBITDA. The past fifteen years at ARA have brought steady growth and profitability, with 2016 marking our most successful year yet. After analysing and reporting on the past year at ARA, we’re ready to reveal the annual report. Read on for highlights from 2016, and download the full report here.

The Year of Records

ARA saw its best year yet in 2016. Watch the video below to discover some of the top moments of the year.


Record Year for Growth

Since our beginning, we’ve set our sights on growing the company through a combination of organic growth and strategic acquisitions. In 2016, our strategy has proved successful with the growth seen over the past year. ARA revenue grew to a record $352.3 million, up $30.6 million from 2015. This is the fourteenth year out of our fifteen years that revenue has grown from the previous financial year.

Record Year for Profitability

Looking at our past earnings, what stands out is that ARA has never lost money in its fifteen years of operation. Though we’ve had setbacks with four of our fifteen years reporting decreased earnings in the previous year, but ARA has always come back with a significant increase in earnings from the following year. 2016 was no exception to this pattern. This year, our EBITDA hit $16.7 million, up 66% from 2015, representing a record year of earnings for the company.

2016 was a proud year for ARA Group as a whole. We broke records and achieved goals, all while helping build and maintain a better Australia. We’re excited to share with you the full report for 2016. Preview and download the full ARA Group 2016 Annual Report here.

Report Highlights



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