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They foresaw it.

They envisioned, believed and achieved it.

This is the photo sent at the beginning of the competition by the winning, Team Eleven!

Although, they were latecomers to the competition; Allison, Russell, Ed and John’s competitive busy feet ensured they maintained their position in the Top Three Teams, throughout the competition and ultimately won.

The Individual Winner, was the silent assassin Cody, who took everyone by surprise with his triumph in the final hour. A well-deserved $250 was awarded to the high stepper.

As for the Wooden Spooner, across the pond, our Willie Chong was full of excuses, all in jest promising to be better competition next year.

All in all, the fun and cheeky banter kept the competition exciting and achieved our ultimate goal of getting people fit for the silly season and motivated.

Looking forward to next year’s competition and results.

This was the third 10,000 step challenge….. Each challenge has a consistent number participants and it is a really nice way for each team to get to know each other.

Here is to 2018 where we will have even more challenges and social engagement activities.

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