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Have you ever considered how your facilities’ commercial cleaner works to not only clean but prevent cross-contamination in your workplace?

In a post-COVID world many commercial buildings, offices, facilities healthcare and medical businesses are asking for greater certainty for, not only their own workplace health and safety, but that of their employees and clients.

So how does colour coding for cleaning work to provide greater certainty in commercial cleaning? 


Australian Cleaning Standards

In Australia we have clear standards set in place to manage the use of commercial cleaning materials in your workplace, set by bodies such as the Clinical Excellence Commission.

These Australian Standards guide the responsible and correct use for reusable cleaning equipment and prevent the use of the same equipment for areas within your building, office spaces, hospital, medical or healthcare facility. For example, did you know the use of the same mop and bucket for both the kitchen and bathroom floors is prohibited?

Take a moment to think through the potential health implications for your facility, should colour coding and health guidelines happen to be ignored in this manner.

Many workplaces would trust that once their commercial cleaner has come and gone that their commercial office, facility, hospital, medical or healthcare facility is safe from any form of cross-contamination.


Looking for greater peace of mind?

If you understood how colour coding in cleaning practices are carried out on your property by your commercial cleaner, could it give you greater peace of mind and confidence in the service and value your cleaning company is providing?

Complex Solutions is an Australian owned business with over 20 years’ experience in the commercial cleaning industry. From operating theatres within major hospitals, to commercial high-rise office buildings, to large scale FMCG industrial facilities, we are a trusted partner for businesses who pride themselves on cleanliness, image and a commitment to quality.

We value the confidence of our clients in the cleaning services we provide. All commercial cleaning is completed with the use of a colour coding system to ensure the delivery of high quality cleans, while minimising the chance of cross-contamination in your healthcare facility.


Use of the colour coded cleaning system

Our use of the colour coded cleaning system is simple.

There are five colours that all commercial cleaning equipment is categorised by; green, blue, yellow, red and white.

GREEN: All cleaning products under this category can be used in the kitchen, café and food preparation areas. These are cleaning products that you and your employees will need to be able to access – should a spill occur or quick clean of the kitchen be required.

BLUE: Cleaning products in this category are utilised in general areas such as offices and wards. Again, it is important that you and your employees understand where these items can be found and where it is appropriate for these colour coded cleaning products to be used.

It is important that correct equipment is easily accessible to you and your employees and cannot be mistaken with equipment used for other zones – especially colour coded cleaning products in the BLUE & GREEN categories’. We work to ensure that your facility and its employees are familiar with these cleaning products; where they can be found and where they can be appropriately used. 

YELLOW: Products coded yellow should only be used in locations that could be infectious or are isolation areas. These are areas where blood and other human substances can be found.

RED: Products coded red should only be used for toilets, bathrooms, shower rooms.

WHITE: Products coded white are for clinical areas, predominately for healthcare and hospitals, operating theatres and any areas marked with red lining.

The colour coding of products includes the use of coloured mop buckets, mop head and handle as well as coloured wipes. In hospitals and healthcare facilities disposable wipes are often used and discarded following there one time use, to prevent cross contamination.

This is very important that products from the YELLOW, RED and WHITE categories’ are not accessed and used in any other areas such as kitchen’s or offices. 

In an instance that a piece of equipment is found to have been used incorrectly, the standard rule of practice is that the item will be disposed of immediately and replaced to ensure the prevention of any cross-contamination, risk of infection or other concern.


Complex Solutions: For greater peace of mind

So why are we so focused on ensuring you understand the colour coding guidelines for commercial cleaning requirements?

Well the numbers are not great, with roughly 3 in 10 businesses following correct practice and procedures to prevent spread of infection and reducing cross-contamination.

As an Australian standard it’s imperative that business take focus on this issue. Especially as we work to move into a post-COVID world. It is now, more important than ever, to educate ourselves and workplaces about how to stay safe in our work environment.

At Complex Solutions we are committed to providing all our clients with peace of mind. All our cleaners receive regular training, toolbox talks and training documentation outlining cleaning practices. Ensuring our cleaners are equipped to competently deliver greater value for money in your commercial cleaning service. 

In addition to this our operations team regularly conduct cleaner storage room inspections. Ensuring the correct use of cleaning equipment and make sure every cleaner storage room has a visible Colour Coding Chart.

Complex Solutions Colour Coding Chart

By working closely with Building Managers and HSEQ Managers Complex Solutions makes every effort to ensure the education and information related to the use of colour coding for cleaning is clearly communicated and understood within your facility.

We are confident in our commercial cleaning capabilities, utilising colour coded cleaning practices, we can partner with you to ensure the health and safety of your employees and importantly, clients.

At Complex Solutions we are committed to continually evolving our practice and processes to improve our teams. If you want greater peace of mind and a confidence in how your healthcare facilities is cleaned, see how Complex Solutions can help.

Your Commercial Cleaning Partner
See how Complex Solutions Can Help


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